Oily skin doesn’t just affect teenagers, it affects men and women of all ages and can be caused by a number of factors such as genetics, hormones or stress. When the sebaceous glands become overactive, excess sebum is produced. This sebum works its way to the skin’s surface causing oiliness, spots and breakouts.

It is vital to treat oily skin correctly in order to treat the problem long term and keep the skin healthy. Many products on the market contain harsh ingredients that strip the skin of too much oil. When this happens, the skin naturally produces more oil therefore the problem simply reoccurs. Your skin needs products that contain gentle ingredients to regulate oil production whilst also providing essential hydration.

Treating oily skin with Purexpert

Our Purexpert range has be developed after extensive research into the most effective ways of reducing oiliness and preventing it from reoccurring. Our simple 3 step programme ensures the key steps for healthy skin are addressed daily.

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The ingredients within the Purexpert range have been carefully selected to ensure that oiliness is reduced gently, without stripping the skin.

  • Salicylic Acid is effective in low concentrations making it a very gentle ingredient. It delicately removes dead skin to unclog the pores whilst increasing cell renewal. With constant use, the pores remain open and clean preventing further breakouts on the skin.
  • Manuka Concentrate and Willow Extract: Our exclusive Oily-Reduction Phytocomplex contains Manuka Concentrate and Willow Extract. With powerful antibacterial properties they work to help clear up blemishes and keep the bacteria in your skin balanced thus preventing further breakouts.
  • Red Clay contains high levels of iron oxide. This makes it particularly good at purifying and strengthening the skin whilst absorbing excess oil.
  • Lavender oil is soothing and anti inflammatory helping to reduce redness and scarring.

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